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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Doppler To Confirm Viable Pregnancy?

It has been a while since I last updated this blog and during that period I have actually met or contacted by a lot of readers who are interested in sonography and I'm very much appreciate the time all of you have spent to visit my humble blog. And I'm so happy that my passion in writing about sonography had actually benefit so many people in so many ways. So, today during my boring stay in Silka Hotel used to be known as Dorsett Johor Hotel, I wanted to share about doppler with you guys..

I've been working as an Application Specialist for almost 2 years now promoting Toshiba Ultrasound and when I talk about doppler scanning, general practitioner always ask me the best reason why they need doppler. So, it's easy... All GP's will need to scan early pregnancy as they are the first place all pregnant ladies will looking for to seek their advice and also to confirm the pregnancy. So, by using doppler, we can actually detect the fetal heart as the doppler will capture the blood flow in the heart. Don't believe it? Look at the image below...

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