I love Nuffnang!

I love Nuffnang!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Toshiba Nemio XG


Anonymous said...

Salam mamaafzal..nak tanya how much fresh grad sonographer usually get paid monthly....

Mamaafzal said...

fresh grad, depends on which centre u go. well establish or not...so for bigger centre around rm3000 rasanya. biasa2 punye centre around rm2000-2500....awak sonographer ke?

Anonymous said...

hi mamaafzal.. I'm a fresh grad qualified sonographer. Do you know of any vacancies around KL or Selangor area?

Mamaafzal said...

you can go straight ahead and talk to any obstetrician or radiologist in any centre like tropicana med centre, nirwana medical centre, pantai bangsar (they will train u for cardiac scan), gleneagles...try your luck.u'll never know..BP healthcare also looking for sonographer a few months ago.not sure if they still need one.i will post if there is any new vcancy in my blog also.:o)


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