Just received a phone call from my senior sonographer friend. She called me to tell me a story which she think I should share here with everybody to increase our knowledge about 3D 4D scan. My friend told me that she have to do a detail scan to a very late pregnancy patient as the doctor suspected the baby might have a heart problem which is too late to do a thorough scan to see the abnormality of the heart. The patient claimed that she had already done the 3D 4D scan with a young sonographer which we do know her but we keep her name as a secret because I just want to share the story not to blame anybody here. As we know her, She is actually a young sonographer who actually not working in any hospital so, in term of clinical experience, we have a doubt on her. So, when she is promoting her service for 3D 4D scan we actually can imagine what kind of trouble she can be involved in. Now what we fear most had happened, She missed a heart problem which cause the patient a shock to learnt that after the 3D 4D scan, this obvious problem was not detected at that time where she was told that the service is together with a detail scan. I don't know what happened between the patient and the sonographer during the scanning took place because I have seen her page and everybody quite happy with her. So, please pretty please, to everyone out there, if YOU are looking for someone to do 3D 4D scan for your baby, make sure you look for the right person. That's why I came up with a
Scan 3D 4D Malaysia fanpage to link all the curious Malaysian facebookers to this blog. So, you will know what to expect and what should you know about 3D 4D scan. This post is to share the simple infos on 3D 4D scan and details scan. It has nothing to do with competing in ultrasound business or anything. I am not doing any locumn and working full time with an ultrasound supplier in Malaysia. So, this is not personal, it's just my responsibility to tell you what you should know. 3D 4D scan is very entertaining but, please do detail scan first by an experience sonographer or medical doctor because 3D 4D scan can be done by anybody but not the detail scan and only detail scan can tell you if your baby is not doing fine in the womb. Please share with you friends.